Food allergies can be confusing.

A diagnosis of food allergy comes with a lot of questions. Then after one question is answered, another three seem to appear.

You see your kiddo's allergist at least once a year, but the appointments seem to fly by, and there never seems to be enough time to really discuss everything. So you go to Dr. Google, and the rabbit hole begins.

We are here to guide you out of that rabbit hole.

Sign up for an Office Hours session, and you'll come away with a deeper understanding of all things food allergy, bringing your life less stress and more joy.

Food Allergy Office Hours for Parents are offered to families across the country through the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy. Learn more about Office Hours and if these sessions may be right for you by clicking the button below. You'll be redirected to, where you'll find more information and directions on how to schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a doctor's appointment?

No. This session is for educational purposes only. The goal is to deepen your understanding of food allergies and food allergy-related issues. This newfound knowledge will enhance your appointments with your kiddo's allergist and allow you to better understand diagnoses and treatment plans.

How do I schedule my session?

Upon clicking the button above, you'll be redirected to, through which you will connect with the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy to schedule your session.

Can I purchase more than one session?

Absolutely! Since many food allergy parents have multiple questions and are participating in Office Hours to have in-depth discussions, many families do schedule more than one session.

More information available on Click the button below to be redirected.